Manufacturing Digital Forms

Mobile software for manufacturing companies

Formation Software responds to the manufacturing industry’s requirement to be able to collect, store and access data anywhere, at any time. Functioning on iPad and Android mobile devices, Formation users can work offline to complete data collection, tasks and reports in real time to increase company productivity and efficiency. Formation's simple, adaptable interface can be utilised to complete a range of Quality Control, Facility and Health and Safety audits and inspections as well as company processes.

Build digital manufacturing forms

With a range of flexible deployment options, Formation is readily available to fully integrate with an organisation’s existing processes. The back office Formation Management Studio connects all staff to a central system, enabling secure data storage and notification alerts and information to be pushed to individual workers and teams within the workplace.

Formation features at a glance

Formation in the manufacturing industry

Developed by Formation’s award-winning, in-house software team, Formation’s mobile toolkit allows data to be securely and easily processed, unifying workflows and improving productivity and organisational competencies.

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Formation Software
C365 Cloud Formation Software |

(+44) 01924 669940 | 6 Mariner Court, Calder Park, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 3FL

Call 01924 669940. ©Formation Software 2025